3 Easy Ways to Create Interesting Questions That Keep People Engaged

Whether you’re an create interesting questions building your next million-dollar business or a new hire trying to connect with coworkers, questions are powerful tools to help you build relationships. But how do you create interesting questions that keep people engaged? In this article, you’ll learn 3 easy ways to start forming more thoughtful + interesting questions.

Open Questions

The best way to get to know someone is to ask them a lot of open-ended questions. This allows them to think about the answer and provides a deeper insight into their perspective. However, it’s important to remember that not everyone is comfortable answering these types of questions, so don’t be afraid to push them a little further by asking more in-depth questions about their response.

Random Questions to Ask: Keeping Conversations Fresh and Fun

A closed question is a yes or no question that elicits a single, one word answer. They can be helpful to introduce concepts because they are straightforward, but they don’t allow for a discussion of multiple points of view and are not particularly interesting. Some examples of these types of questions include:

Often times, learning is connected to existing knowledge. Asking a question that is linked to this knowledge allows students to focus on the parts of the subject they understand well, and it can also help them identify areas that need more attention. Questions can also highlight a conflict in thinking, which is a necessary step in the process of conceptual change. (Graesser, McMahen & Johnson, 1994).) Asking these questions is an excellent strategy to support learning.

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